Wisdom Tooth Extractions – Sterling Heights, MI

Relieving Pain and Protecting Your Oral Health

Having your wisdom teeth extracted is probably the last thing you want to do. We understand, so rest assured, if Dr. Young or Dr. Samona recommend this treatment, it’s because you need it for the sake of your oral health! Plus, once the source of your dental aches is gone, you’ll be able to return to your normal, everyday routine without pain. You can learn more about the details of a wisdom tooth extraction in Sterling Heights below. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team!

Why Choose Forever Young Dentistry for Wisdom Tooth Extractions? 

  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments Available
  • Sedation Dentistry Can Provide Reassurance
  • In-Network With Several Dental Insurance Providers

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Patient holding a giant model wisdom tooth

You know the teeth in the very back of your mouth? Those are molars. Most individuals develop two sets of molars by age 12, making them the last two pearly whites on either end of your upper and lower arch. Until, that is, their wisdom teeth start to grow in!

Wisdom teeth are “third molars” that develop much later in life compared to your first and second molars. Not everyone has wisdom teeth, but if you do, it’s likely they’re causing you some problems.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed? 

Man waking up with severe jaw pain

Those “problems” can range from severe oral discomfort to smile-changing dental shifting. Here’s a simplified list of reasons why your third molars might need to be removed:

  • There’s not enough room in your mouth to accommodate them
  • They will likely push other teeth out of alignment as they grow
  • They’re either fully or partially trapped below your gumline
  • A pocket is forming around the trapped molars, risking infection
  • They’re putting excess strain on your jawbone

While these issues usually cause jaw or tooth pain, there are cases where patients don’t feel any. So even if you think you’re perfectly fine, it can be a good idea to visit us for an X-ray to be sure!

What to Expect From the Wisdom Teeth Procedure 

Dentist explaining wisdom tooth extraction process to patient

The terms “removal” and “extraction” probably sound pretty straightforward. Indeed, sometimes tugging out a wisdom tooth can be simple – but not always. Depending on your situation, the extraction process will go like this:

For wisdom teeth fully above the gumline, we’ll administer a local anesthetic, then gently wiggle the tooth until it comes loose. Simple!

For third molars that are trapped in the gumline, we’ll have to make an incision after administering the anesthetic. To safely remove the tooth without harming your jawbone, we may also have to section it into smaller pieces.

Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Extraction 

Woman returning to a pain-free routine

Your mouth will be quite delicate after your wisdom tooth extraction, so it’s important to follow these guidelines:

  • Don’t spit, smoke, or use any straws
  • Choose soft foods instead of hard or crunchy options
  • Avoid strenuous activity and get plenty of rest
  • Take pain relievers as necessary
  • Call us right away if you experience concerning symptoms
  • Listen to Dr. Young and Dr. Samona’s aftercare instructions